Many people throughout Oklahoma consistently and faithfully pay their premiums on their auto, business, or homeowner’s insurance to protect them in the case of loss or a personal injury claim. The day may eventually arrive when you need your liability insurer to defend you against a lawsuit for a slip and fall accident in your home or injuries to a vehicle occupant in an auto accident. When that day arrives, you may find what thousands of others throughout Oklahoma have discovered. Insurance companies often unfairly deny coverage and refuse to defend personal injury lawsuits. Alternatively, you may have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver and be struggling to get your insurance company to pay for you medical expenses, lost income and other personal injury damages under your uninsured motorist coverage. If your insurer refuses to treat you fairly and provide the protection and security you have paid for, schedule a free consultation so we can help.
Our experienced Oklahoma bad faith insurance attorneyswill help you if your homeowner’s insurance, automobile insurance or business insurance company refuses to defend you against a lawsuit brought by a third party. Liability insurance whether for you home, car or business is designed to protect you when an unexpected accident suddenly exposes you to a potential personal injury lawsuit for damages. We can also help if you insurer refuses to compensate you for injuries incurred in an automobile accident with a hit and run driver or a driver that is uninsured or underinsured. If your insurer for your car, home or business refuses to defend you against a personal injury lawsuit, denies an obligation to pay a personal injury verdict or refuses to pay you benefits under your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, our experienced Oklahoma bad faith insurance law firm may be able to file a bad faith lawsuit against your insurance company. The experienced attorneys at The Bennett Law Firm has helped many people just like you pursue bad faith insurance lawsuits in the following contexts:
- Personal Injury Liability
- Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM) & Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM)
- Homeowner’s Liability Claims
- Refusal to Defend an Insured
- Automobile Accident Liability Claims
You have a right to presume that if you fulfill your contractual obligations and faithfully make your premium payments that your insurance company will live up to their obligations. At the end of the day, insurance companies are business entities designed to increase their profit. The more claims that your insurance company successfully denies the greater its profits. If your insurance company refuses to defend you against liability claims or is trying to low-ball your claim under your UM or UIM policy, it is important that you press your insurance company to tell you in writing what provision in your policy their position is based on. If you later pursue a bad faith insurance claim against your insurance carrier, your insurance company will have an established position that it must defend. Anytime your insurance company is giving you the run around, it is also important to carefully document all correspondence and communication.
Our attorneys know the tactics and strategies insurance companies use to deny coverage and refuse to pay UM and UIM claims; we will use our dedication and commitment to force your insurance company to fulfill its contractual obligations. We work on a contingency fee basis so that you do not pay attorney’s fees unless we obtain a favorable settlement or court judgment on your behalf. This means that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Feel free to schedule a free consultation online or call The Bennett Law Firm at 405.272.0303 to discuss your legal options with an experienced Oklahoma City lawyer today. No Recovery, No Fee! We will meet with you face to face and can handle cases anywhere in Oklahoma. We can even come to you!