Sadly, theft remains a serious problem in the United States. According to research conducted by the Insurance Information Institute (III), between the years of 2010 and 2014, theft was the fifth leading reason why property insurance claims were filed, behind only fire damage, storm damage, water damage and bodily injury claims. If you have been […]
Fire remains one of the leading causes of property damage in the United States. According to a report compiled and published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fires cause more than $14.3 billion in property damage in the U.S. each year. While fire can completely destroy a building, there are also many cases in […]
Under Oklahoma’s insurance regulations, both policyholders and insurance companies have certain basic legal obligations. For policyholders, one of their key responsibilities is to comply with the terms of their insurance policy. Nearly all property insurance policies issued in the state of Oklahoma contain a cooperation clause, requiring property owners to assist the insurance company with […]
Property fires are a major public safety problem in Oklahoma and throughout the United States. According to the data provided by the U.S. Fire Administration, fires cause more than $10 billion in property loss each year. Fire damage can take many different specific forms. A home or business certainly does not need to be […]
Do you know all of your legal rights and your responsibilities under the terms of your property insurance policy? Have you read through the policy line by line? If you have not, do not worry; you are definitely not alone. Insurance policies are long and complex. It is normal for policyholders to skim through the […]
For many different reasons, water damage cases are amongst the most complex types of property insurance claims. When it comes to water damage, the source of the water matters. Not all of these claims are created equal. Depending on the source of the water, your insurance company may try to deny you coverage. To help […]
Dealing with a denied insurance claim can be a huge hassle, but unfortunately, you must if you want to cover costly medical care or extensive property damage. Insurance claim denials are an all too common occurrence, even for claims for obviously necessary medical care or property damage. Even if a denial was a clear mistake, […]
It is hard enough to lose a loved one as it is, but when your life insurance company denies your claim for death benefits, it can feel as if they are adding insult to injury. You counted on the deceased’s benefits to help you through this tough time to pay for things such medical expenses, […]
Oklahoma is susceptible to Mother Nature’s whims more than most other states, with the risk of tornadoes and flooding especially high. For this reason, it is important that as an Oklahoma resident, you invest in insurance coverage that covers damage from extreme weather conditions. Most homeowners assume that their homeowners’ insurance policy covers that type […]
If your home or business property was recently vandalized and you have extensive property damage to deal with and pay for, you may be wondering if your property or homeowner’s insurance will cover it. The answer is, they should. However, vandalism can be extremely difficult to prove, especially if your property does not have a […]